As this semester is starting, you might be wondering if you are on the right track to graduate cause we know taking extra classes is not only a waste of time but of money.
So, what’s the solution? Once you choose a major you would also be able to access your degree plan. What’s a degree plan? It’s a list of courses that you would need to take to graduate according to your major. It can usually be found in your academic advisor’s office or even online. Sometimes, it could even be split into semesters so you know what to take each semester.
Keep in mind that you might already have an advisor that tells you what classes to take each semester, but it’s better safe than sorry. It’s better for you to have an extra set of eyes, YOURS! Since you are the one responsible for paying for any extra classes a mistake will cost.
Talking about taking classes, how does it work in the American educational system? For each class or course, there are multiple sections of the class, each taught by a different professor. This is not always the case, sometimes there is just one section of the class and you have no choice of professors but most times, there will be. I bring this up because a good professor can completely transform your college experience. What defines good to me might not be the same for you, that’s why I love going to before I select any section of any of my classes. The website offers students the chance to read other students’ perspectives on not only the class but how it was taught by the professor. Then it’s in your hands to decide for yourself what section you want to be in. Of course, people might be biased there depending on what final grade they earned in the but at least it gives you a perspective into the class before you actually register for it.
Alright fam, that's all I have for now. Don't be a stranger, comment below or send me a message using the contact form ( in the Contact section to ask questions or suggest what articles you would like to see. My YouTube channel is finally here! See y'all over there.
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